2021 Nov 2 :: Delta County :: Ballot Question 2BCity of Delta Ballot Question 2B See summary »

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Without increasing any taxes, shall the Delta City Charter be amended to update certain provisions regarding debt, bonds and borrowing as follows: Section 34 of the Charter: 34. Rates, Regulations, Fines. The City Council shall by ordinance fix rates, establish regulations for use of water by consumers, provide for the orderly administration of the department, and impose fines and penalties for the violation thereof. Such ordinance shall establish a uniform classified system of rates for the use of water consumers in any given classification, from which rates there shall be no rebates or reductions, it being the intent hereof to prevent any consumers in any given classification within the City from having any advantage or favor over other water consumers in the same classification, by contract or otherwise. The rates determined upon shall provide at least sufficientrevenues to cover all costs of operation, necessary enlargements and extensions, reserve for depreciation, Whenever in the opinion of the City Council the water supply is or becomes greater than the needs of the inhabitants of the City for fire, domestic and all other municipal purposes, the City Council may dispose of such surplus water to consumers of water outside the City limits at such reasonable rates and for such uses as in the opinion of the Council are just and proper, giving preference to household uses, taking into consideration the benefit to be derived by such outside consumers. Section 39 of the Charter: 39. Rates, Regulations, Fines. The City Council shall by ordinance establish regulations and fix rates to be charged for electric service furnished by the City owned and operated electric light and power plant and system, provide for the orderly administration of the department to be administered as an entity, and impose fines and penalties for the violation thereof. Such ordinance shall establish a uniform classified system of rates for the use of electric service, from which rates there shall be no rebates or reductions, it being the intent hereof to prevent any consumers in any given classification from having any advantage or favor over other consumers in the same classification by contract or otherwise. The rates determined shall provide sufficient revenues to cover all costs of operation, distribution and maintenance, all necessary enlargements and extensions, reserve for depreciation, and an amount equivalent to taxes chargeable against said utility the same as if privately owned, and a reasonable allowance for interest on capital invested in such plant and system.Section 40 of the Charter: 40. The City shall have the right and power to construct, operate and maintain public works and public improvements for any public purpose as authorized by the laws of Colorado, this Charter, and Ordinances and Regulations of the City. Section 84 of the Charter: 84. When Contracts and Expenditures Prohibited. No officer, department or agency shall, during any budget year, expend or contract to expend any money or incur any liability, or enter into any contract which by its terms involves the expenditure of money for any purpose, in excess of the amounts appropriated for that general classification of expenditure pursuant to this Charter. Any contract, verbal or written, made in violation of this Charter shall be null and void. Any officer or employee who shall violate this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall cease to hold his office or employment. Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the Council from providing by ordinance for payment of any expense in excess of the annual appropriations, the necessity of which is caused by any casualty, accident or unforeseen contingency arising after the final adoption of the budget. In case of such emergency and the passing of an ordinance adopted by the favorable vote of four-fifths of all the members of the Council authorizing additional expenditures in excess of the annual appropriations, and if there be funds or moneys available in some other fund or funds which will not be required to be expended during the remainder of the fiscal year, the Council shall transfer such available money from suchfund or funds to the fund from which the excess expenditure is to be paid. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to or limit the authority conferred in relation to bonded indebtedness, nor for moneys to be collected by special assessments for local improvements, nor for emergency expenditures by the water department. Section 91 of the Charter: 91. REPEALED Section 92 of the Charter: 92. Limitation of City Indebtedness. The City may, subject to applicable limitations in the Colorado Constitution, as now existing or as hereafter amended, borrow money or enter into other obligations and issue securities or other evidences of such obligations in such form and manner as determined by the City Council to be in the best interests of the City. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Charter, the City shall have authority to operate an enterprise as defined by Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution for the purpose of providing any type of municipal services authorized by this Charter or Colorado Law.

2021 Nov 2 :: Delta County :: Ballot Question 2BCity of Delta Ballot Question 2B See summary »

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