2021 Nov 2 :: State of Colorado :: Constitutional Amendment 78Amendment 78 See summary »
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution and a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning money that the state receives, and, in connection therewith, requiring all money received by the state, including money provided to the state for a particular purpose, known as custodial money, to be subject to appropriation by the general assembly after a public hearing; repealing the authority to disburse money from the state treasury by any other means; requiring all custodial money to be deposited into the newly created custodial funds transparency fund and the earnings on those deposits to be transferred to the general fund; and allowing the state to retain and spend all custodial money and earnings and revenue on that custodial money as a voter-approved revenue change?
2021 Nov 2 :: State of Colorado :: Constitutional Amendment 78Amendment 78 See summary »
Ballot Question Results
County |
Total Votes Cast | Undervotes | Overvotes | Total Ballots Cast | Registered Voters |
Delta |
4,764 |
5,121 |
9,885 |
183 |
2 |
10,070 |
23,990 |
Totals |
4,764 |
5,121 |
9,885 |
183 |
2 |
10,070 |
23,990 |